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Teenagers and the Internal Conflict

By July 18, 2022No Comments
There is a proverb that reads, “It is better to walk alone than to walk with a mob heading the wrong way. Follow your moral convictions. Mike didn’t consider the repercussions when he told his tale. Even though he already knew it was wrong, he simply caved in. Making a choice can be challenging, especially when you are torn between doing what is right and pursuing your desires.

However, you should constantly remember that the results of any action you take are determined by what you chose to do, not by what you did because you were confused, as many others are. When our minds conflict with who we are, I know it can be depressing. To ensure that you never second-guess what you’ve done, though, constantly remember to stand your ground.

No matter who we are, what we do, or where we stand in the world, both young and old people can and do experience inner turmoil. No man on Earth is exempt from this. But as a student and a teenager, I want to give my opinions, ideas, and guidance on how to handle peer pressure.

Have you ever experienced a mental breakdown or conflicted feelings? Have you ever been in a circumstance when your thoughts was urging you to refrain from doing because of a potential outcome?

A struggle that goes on inside a person’s head is called an internal conflict. Some persons experience an internal conflict as a result of a strong want to act or refrain from acting. When one aspect of you opposes what the other aspect is doing, it occurs. Depression and guilt can result from internal struggle. You might exclaim, “Oh know, here it comes again!” since you find your current predicament a little odd. The idea that we can argue with ourselves is so absurd. But keep in mind that even if heart and mind disagree occasionally, it is still possible for the right half of our minds to disagree with the other side.

The most well-known instances of internal conflicts are when there are few options available: The right thing or what I want most of all; the tall guy or the little guy, pizza or chocolate, to the left or to the right, an a or b.
Why do we experience internal conflict, one could wonder? There are many times in our lives when we want something but are unable to do it because we are prohibited from doing so or because it is morally unacceptable. Sometimes our happiness is simply too extravagant to actually achieve since we are too afraid or insecure to break down our barriers. However, the best illustration of internal struggle is when you are persuaded to do something against your better judgement.

When we are still young, our parents choose our friends. But as we grow old, they let us choose what we think is best for us, though they still advice us to “choose your friends wisely”. As we grow old, we become more independent, making our own decisions. It is hard to face with some challenging decisions on our own, but when other people get involved and try to pressure us one way or another it can be even harder.

I was once asked by my friend if I want to go with them for a group study. I want to go with them but I know I can’t because my mom does not want me to go to faraway places. I think and think until I finally say no. They didn’t argue with my decision and that I was thankful about since I don’t have anything to worry.

We already know that the teen years is the stage where we figure out who we are, what we believe in, what we good at, what our responsibilities, and what our place in the world is going to be. It’s comforting to face those challenges with friends with our same age or close to it and people who have similar interest to us. They naturally play a greater role in our life as we become more independent. They influence our life just by spending time together: our attitude, values and our behaviors. When they try to influence how you act and they try to get you to do something, it’s called peer pressure.

Due to the significant roles that peers play in one another’s lives, peer pressure is not necessarily a harmful thing. We can find acceptance and companionship among our peers, but true friends accept you for who you are, not for who you try to be. If they can’t even accept you, why even call them friends? I believe there are 7 billion people on the planet. There are still friends out there who will accept you. Keep in mind that it is not your loss.

Peers can exert pressure on one another to act morally. They encourage us to set higher goals, serve as our role models, or serve as an inspiration for us to pursue our aspirations. If we have friends who are athletes, models, bookworms, know-it-alls, or highly competitive people, we can consider ourselves to be relatively fortunate (in a good way). They may even help us shift our viewpoint on life or teach us things we did not know. Simply being fortunate or being one of them yourself will allow you to positively affect others.

Peers listen to our experiences, concerns, and other issues because they want us to know that they are interested in us even when we spout rubbish. Friends are those who offer their ears to you and provide feedback and guidance on what you have presented to them. Friends are reliable enough to support our decision-making as well! Our friends provide us the chance to meet a lot of people, allowing us to widen our circle of friends. They also give us chances to try out new activities. Without friends who can support and inspire us to be exactly who we are in ways we never imagined imaginable, our world would be uninteresting.

Some peers negatively affect one another. Our peers may be the source of some of the difficulties in our lives. They might exert pressure on us to engage in bad behaviour or something we find uncomfortable, such as using drugs, drinking alcohol, or smoking marijuana. However, why do they yield? Some of their classmates aspire to be known as “cool kids,” famous, or feared by their classmates. I have pondered, “Why do people want to be like that? ” while writing my blog. Don’t they even realise it’s not cool? They are merely idling their time. Nevertheless, I am not them. I can’t evaluate them. They might have a compelling argument, or vice versa.

Because they are afraid or lack the confidence to refuse, some peers didn’t stop to consider the consequences before doing as they were told. Other peers can struggle to make their own decisions and constantly doubt them to the point where they seek counsel from others. They frequently look to others for assistance and are typically easily swayed by their viewpoints and those of others. Some of them seek to blend in, emulate someone they look up to, follow others’ lead, or own what others have.

Some people may have caved in because they were coerced. Some students cave because they fear being bullied. Others follow because they want to experience something new. Sometimes it’s impossible to withstand pressure, so you have to give in. Sometimes they believe they should do something simply because everyone else is. By that point, our minds are already in conflict since you are unsure whether to act in the correct way or the incorrect way.

A person with many inner issues will typically seek to avoid dealing with them through amusement, chemicals that provide solace (alcohol, narcotics, etc.), spiritual practises that are escape-oriented, ambiguous employment, etc. The majority of people who lack confidence and are more prone to seeking approval from their peers are more inclined to accept the risky challenge and recommendation. It’s in everyone’s inclination to fall in to peer pressure, but some people are better able to resist and hold their ground than others.

No matter how carefully we select our companions, there will inevitably be times when we are torn between doing what is right and what is wrong. We need to resolve our internal issues and make sensible decisions. It might be as easy as purchasing a pricey but excellent pizza or a cheap hotdog. However, our choice will always have an impact on how we live. It’s crucial to learn how to resolve internal conflicts because they frequently lead to intolerable emotions.

Sometimes these circumstances can be our chances to discover or become more aware of who we and they actually are. As long as your friend can assist you in escaping the maze, keep in mind that true friends won’t do you any damage. Having friends who share your values and who will support you when you decide against doing something is wonderful.

When you are at odds with your own thinking, it could be difficult. But always keep in mind that there are numerous ways to stop thinking. Be courageous and get to your feet. Never rely on other people. In this world, you should only have faith in yourself. Keep in mind that while you are struggling with an internal conflict, you should be confident in the choice you have made. When you know something isn’t right for you, have the courage to say “NO.”

Don’t hesitate because it can lead to pressure and internal tensions. Gain the fortitude to act in accordance with your “integrity” and to quit letting the mind push you toward undesirable behaviours. You may maintain your composure, take a step back, and refrain from acting improperly by drawing power from within and having self-confidence.

You are more likely to refrain from doing these things if you chose friends who don’t use drugs, skip class, smoke cigarettes, or lie to their parents. You won’t have a single worry. You can just avoid friends who encourage you to do things you know are wrong if you are experiencing peer pressure when you are alone. Spend time with others who share your sentiments. It is much simpler for both of you to resist when you have only one other person standing alongside you.

Understand your true desires and compare them to the necessary reality. You will be able to harmonise with your genuine goal if you let go of the lack-based thinking. You can materialise everything you want if you just pursue your passion, inspiration, and joy. Discover your own self and develop a comprehensive understanding of the personality that makes up “you.” Conflicting behaviours are impossible when you truly understand who you are as a person.

Even if your pals appear to be in good spirits, if you sense that anything is off, it signifies that something is off for you about the setting. Pay attention to your gut and trust your instincts.

Record the conflict: Writing down your feelings is one of the best strategies to get rid of negative emotions from your brain. You’ll feel as though you’ve unloaded all of your feelings onto the paper as you write out your thoughts. Along with the relief, you’ll gain a lot of self-awareness, which will help you determine the most effective strategy to take to resolve the problem.

Compare your life progress to that of your peers. If you have a plan that you are following and are ready for that moment, you’ll probably not be affected. However, if you weren’t ready, you’ll experience internal struggle whenever you enter a new stage of your life.

Negative peer pressure is difficult to resist, but if you do, you’ll be at ease. Set a positive example for all. If your friends imitate your actions, then regard yourself as a leader and realise that you have the power to alter the situation. Always, good triumphs over evil.

Advice: Try not to envy what others possess. Sometimes, jealousy can lead to internal conflict and pressure you to act in a way you already knew was wrong. Be thankful for what you have. I’ve also been under pressure before, and I tend to think the opposite way. Don’t get me wrong, though; I don’t consume alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or do drugs. What I’m trying to say is that friends will always be our closest allies, even when they ask us to do something we don’t want to do (I was once ask to cut class during our TLE but I refuse to do so).

I occasionally feel envious of the wealthy students at our school since I spend most of my money on pointless items to fit in with my generation (jealousy is everywhere, you can run but you cannot hide from it). But I get over those by telling myself that I am enough, that my work is decent, and that I have supportive friends and family.