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Gender roles in modern societies

By July 18, 2022No Comments
In our society, there are standards for how men and women should look, act, and portray themselves.

What are gender roles?
Society’s expectations of how we should behave, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves are known as gender roles. For instance, girls and women are frequently expected to behave politely, be accommodating, and be nurturing. Men are typically supposed to be powerful, combative, and brave.

Gender role expectations exist in every country, ethnic group, and culture, but they can vary greatly among them. Over time, they may also alter within the same civilization. For instance, in the United States, pink used to be associated with men, but blue was associated with women.

How do gender stereotypes affect people?
Even though it’s oversimplified and not necessarily accurate, a stereotype is a widely held opinion or bias about a person or group. Gender stereotypes can result in uneven and unfair treatment of individuals based on their gender. It is misogyny to do this.

Gender stereotypes can be divided into four categories:
• Personality qualities – For instance, men are typically supposed to be assertive and self-assured, whereas women are frequently thought to be accommodative and emotional.

• Domestic activities – For instance, some people believe that women should care for the kids, prepare meals, and clean the house, while men should handle the household money, maintain the automobile, and perform home repairs.

• Occupations – Some people jump to the conclusion that nurses and teachers are female, whereas men are more likely to be pilots, doctors, and engineers.

• Outward look – Men are expected to be tall and chiselled, whilst women are meant to be slim and graceful. Both men and women are required to present themselves in ways that are stereotypical for their gender (women are supposed to wear dresses and makeup, while males are expected to wear slacks and short hairstyles).

Hyperfemininity is the amplification of stereotypically feminine conduct. People who are very feminine accentuate the characteristics they view as feminine. Among these traits are passivity, naiveté, lack of sexual experience, softness, flirtatiousness, elegance, nurturing, and acceptance.

The excess of stereotypical behaviour that is considered to be male is known as hypermasculinity. People who are hypermasculine overstate the traits they consider to be masculine. They think that being aggressive, worldly, sexually experienced, insensitive, physically intimidating, ambitious, and demanding will help them dominate other men and rule over women.
Relationships between people might be challenging as a result of these distorted gender preconceptions. People who identify as hyperfeminine are more likely to experience verbal and emotional abuse from their spouses. People who are hypermasculine are more likely to abuse their spouses physically and emotionally.

Extreme gender stereotypes are damaging because they prevent individuals from completely expressing their thoughts and feelings. Men who feel that they aren’t allowed to cry or exhibit sensitive feelings, for instance, suffer from this. Additionally, it is bad for women to believe that they are not allowed to be independent, intelligent, or forceful. Everyone can be their best selves when gender preconceptions are broken.

How can I fight gender stereotypes?
You undoubtedly encounter gender stereotypes everywhere. Sexism, or prejudice based on gender, may also have been something you witnessed or experienced. There are ways to dispel these myths so that everyone — regardless of gender or gender identity — feels equal and respected as individuals.

• Call attention to the prevalence of harmful gender stereotypes in magazines, television, movies, and online content. These prejudices might occasionally be difficult for people to notice on their own. Take on that role! Discuss the prejudices you notice with friends and family, and educate people on the harm that sexism and gender stereotypes may do.
• Set a good example via your actions — Serve as an inspiration to your loved ones. Regardless of a person’s gender identity, show them respect. Regardless of the gender preconceptions and expectations of society, create a space where people may express themselves and their actual selves.
• Speak up — Whether online or in person, confront anyone who is making sexist jokes or remarks.
• Try it out – If there’s something you want to do that’s not typically connected with your gender, consider if you’ll be safe doing it. Try it if you believe you’ll like it. People will take note of what you’ve done.