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Problem of Depression in Teenagers

By July 20, 2022No Comments
A chronic sorrow and loss of interest in activities are symptoms of teen depression, a serious mental health issue. It has an impact on how your adolescent feels, thinks, and acts, and it can lead to emotional, functional, and physical issues. Although depression can strike at any point in life, teen and adult symptoms may differ.

Teenagers may experience many ups and downs as a result of issues including peer pressure, scholastic expectations, and changing bodies. However, for some teenagers, the lows are more than just passing emotions; they are a sign of depression.

Teenage depression requires long-term treatment and can have catastrophic implications. It is neither a sign of weakness nor something that can be conquered by effort. The majority of teenagers find that depression symptoms improve with therapy and medication.

A change from the adolescent’s prior attitude and conduct is one of the indications and symptoms of teen depression and can result in serious distress and issues at home, at school, in social situations, or in other aspects of life.

The intensity of depression symptoms can vary, but your teen may experience the following emotional and behavioural changes.
Emotional changes

Be alert for emotional changes, such as:
• Feelings of sadness, which can include crying spells for no apparent
• Frustration or feelings of anger, even over small matters
• Feeling hopeless or empty
• Irritable or annoyed mood
• Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities
• Loss of interest in, or conflict with, family and friends
• Low self-esteem
• Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
• Fixation on past failures or exaggerated self-blame or self-criticism
• Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure, and the need for excessive reassurance
• Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things
• Ongoing sense that life and the future are grim and bleak
• Frequent thoughts of death, dying or suicide

Behavioral changes
Watch for changes in behavior, such as:
• Tiredness and loss of energy
• Insomnia or sleeping too much
• Changes in appetite — decreased appetite and weight loss, or increased cravings for food and weight gain
• Use of alcohol or drugs
• Agitation or restlessness — for example, pacing, hand-wringing or an inability to sit still
• Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements
• Frequent complaints of unexplained body aches and headaches, which may include frequent visits to the school nurse
• Social isolation
• Poor school performance or frequent absences from school
• Less attention to personal hygiene or appearance
• Angry outbursts, disruptive or risky behavior, or other acting-out behaviors
• Self-harm — for example, cutting or burning
• Making a suicide plan or a suicide attempt

What’s normal and what’s not
It might be challenging to distinguish between teenage sadness and the ups and downs that come with being a teenager. Consult your teen. Find out if they appear to be able to control difficult emotions or if life is too much for them.

When to see a doctor
Consult a physician or a mental health specialist with experience working with teenagers if depression symptoms persist, start to interfere with your teen’s life, or make you worried about suicide or your teen’s safety. A smart place to start is with your teen’s paediatrician or family physician. Or perhaps your teen’s school will suggest someone.

If left untreated, depression symptoms are unlikely to improve on their own and may even worsen or cause additional issues. Even if the signs and symptoms of depression in teenagers don’t seem severe, they could still be at risk for suicide.

Don’t hesitate to seek treatment if you or a person you know is an adolescent and you suspect they may be sad. Speak with a medical professional, such as your doctor or the school nurse. Discuss your worries with a trusted adult, such as a parent, close friend, teacher, or spiritual leader.

Risk factors
Many factors increase the risk of developing or triggering teen depression, including:
• Having challenges that have a detrimental impact on one’s self-esteem, such as obesity, peer issues, persistent bullying, or scholastic difficulties.
• Having experienced or seen violence, including physical or sexual assault
• Having other mental health issues, such as an anxiety problem, personality disorder, anorexia or bulimia, bipolar disorder, or an eating disorder
• Having an attention-deficit/hyperactivity condition or a learning disability (ADHD)
• Having chronic physical pain or a disease like cancer, diabetes, or asthma
• Possessing specific personality qualities, such as a low sense of self-worth or being excessively reliant, critical of oneself, or pessimistic.
• Abusing alcohol, nicotine or other drugs
• Being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender in an unsupportive environment