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Is cyberbullying against teenagers more detrimental than face-to-face bullying?

By July 20, 2022No Comments
Teenagers are a very sensitive group of people. They are linked to a number of problems, particularly because of hormonal changes and the passage from childhood to maturity. Bullying is a behaviour that many teens engage in. It involves engaging in violent behaviour against a person with the intention of tormenting them.

On the other hand, cyberbullying comprises the use of information and communication technology in an effort to carry out hostile behaviour on a regular basis. It could be carried out by a person or group of persons with the primary objective of hurting the victim.

Cyberbullying has become a widespread practise, especially among the younger population. Sadness, anxiety, hurt feelings toward others, depression, other mental health issues, a lack of trust in others, low self-esteem, a lack of security, frustrations, fear, and anger are a few of the emotions linked to cyberbullying. Other emotions include the development of prejudice, for instance based on the race or religion of the cyberbully, among others.

Cyberbullying can, in certain cases, have far-reaching consequences, particularly when the victim’s negative feelings are not handled properly.
Poor academic achievement, an inability to create healthy social relationships with peers and adults, withdrawal and seclusion from many life situations, and the development of a bully-attitude as a form of retaliation or a way to feel in control are some of the behaviours.

Cyberbullying is thought to have the potential to drive youngsters to take their own lives when they feel they can no longer handle it. This demonstrates that cyberbullying has an emotional impact on a person and should always be avoided.

According to research, online bullying is more harmful than in-person bullying. The fact that the effect is more long-lasting is one of the causes of this, among others. This is true because the insults or remarks used to bully a person may be recorded by the victim or others, and the victim may later view them repeatedly, making the situation much more upsetting. The size of the audience is another concern.

The audience that can access the bullying message over the internet or social networks may be rather large, which would greatly humiliate the victim. Another important factor is speed. Harmful information meant for a specific target may spread quickly and reach a large audience during cyberbullying, increasing the source of fear and shame. Cyberbullying is much more harmful than face-to-face bullying because of the concept of familiarity.

The majority of kids know the people who cyberbully them, which greatly contributes to the target’s level of humiliation and embarrassment. Social networking has significantly added to the problem of cyberbullying, especially by making it more destructive than bullying that occurs in person.
Cyberbullying is made easier by social networking sites like Facebook since the perpetrators can launch campaigns against a victim with the help of other users. Face-to-face bullying typically just includes the bully and the target, and it is far simpler to deal with and forget than cyberbullying. This is sufficient evidence to show that cyberbullying is more destructive than traditional bullying.

Farrell (2004) argues that, in contrast to traditional face-to-face bullying, cyberbullying is much more likely to have a negative impact on the victims. In order to bolster this claim, the author makes the assertion that young people who experience online or cyber abuse feel as though they have nowhere to hide their embarrassment. This is especially true given that the abuse involves numerous parties, including the victim, the cyberbully, and other potential network users.

Additionally, there is no opportunity of retaliating against the online bully as there may be in a face-to-face confrontation. As a result, the experience is more frightening. Many youngsters of school age have experienced cyberbullying, and the problem appears to be spreading.

Numerous studies have shown that, despite the fact that face-to-face bullying has been shown to have lasting negative effects on the victims, cyberbullying may actually be even more harmful because of the large audience and the victim’s inability to respond or express their feelings in response to the bullying activity.

When someone learns that a child or adolescent is a victim of cyberbullying, there are certain actions that should be performed. Given the aforementioned detrimental consequences of cyberbullying, it is advised that parents or other caregivers be more alert to spot any of the conduct in their children.

It is advised to talk to the youngster as soon as you think or see some issues in order to make sure they are not negatively impacted. This might be accomplished by reassuring them of your care and support. Cyber safety greatly benefits from open communication.

One should notify the school administration or the local law enforcement agency if the offences against the child are significant and are thought to be damaging in order for them to take further action. Any internet evidence should be preserved so that it can be used to inform any action taken against the cyberbully.

Contacting the platform used to commit cyberbullying is also a good deed. This could include elements like mobile phone service providers, websites, or social media platforms since they have the power to restrict or prevent these actions. This demonstrates that even while cyberbullying might seem unavoidable, there are various strategies to manage or prevent it.