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Can online education be compatible with a traditional one?

By July 20, 2022No Comments
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” said the great Albert Einstein!

The way that schools are defined has entirely changed thanks to hybrid classrooms! A two-sided process, education. Both the teacher and the student are teaching. It resembles a communication that is sent and received. But if the teacher is speaking in a hybrid classroom, how can there be any assurance that the students are learning? Sincerely, there is none!

Can an online classroom coexist with a regular classroom? is the ensuing question. In my perspective, that would be just as difficult as dressing a giraffe! On the one hand, whereas an online classroom would teach us ignorance, a traditional classroom teaches us discipline and compliance.
Kinaesthetic learning, cooperation, and personality development are encouraged at school! Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me, and I forget. teach me, and I’ll keep in mind. Get me involved, and I’ll learn.

Let’s say I told you that water is a good conductor of electricity, and you were able to recall it. On a rainy day, though, you can turn a switch while wearing nothing but your bare feet and get that small current! What good is it to remember the information then? Experimentation, skill improvement, interaction, and most importantly, making mistakes and learning from them are all part of learning.

Sincerity dictates that everything has both benefits and disadvantages. There are advantages as well! The hybrid classroom has higher attendance, is accessible in terms of time and location, and accommodates different learning styles. We also picked up a few undesirable and hidden skills, like forgery and lying. The setting may have both advantages and disadvantages, but when the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, advancement is not evident.

While learning is a versatile process, a hybrid classroom confines it!
Hybrid Classroom isolates those who are computer illiterate since it is unavailable to them. Lack of communication and social isolation frequently result in mental health problems such increased stress, anxiety, and negative thinking. In terms of computer illiteracy, there is still a large divide in the population. Online education won’t be able to reach all citizens unless such disparities in society are present. Therefore, we must see online learning as a supplement to traditional education rather than as a substitute for it.

I would like to quote a saying of Albert Einstein, “I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots!”

Discussions between proponents of traditional education and those who favour digital teaching techniques have been going on for a while. On the one hand, teaching and learning are just a small part of what education is all about. Unquestionably, one of its advantages is that it gives students the social, communication, and other soft skills they need to succeed in the workplace as young adults. Additionally, relationships formed while in college or at university are likely to last a lifetime and will aid in future professional networking.

On the other hand, it appears that the younger generations are entering this world with a tablet or smartphone in hand. Since technology permeates every area of their lives, they are likely to reject the conventional education that we are used to. Furthermore, real data is more persuasive than abstract statements: more than 40% of students believe that online learning is superior to traditional learning in terms of educational quality.