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Teens who have been bullied are twice as likely to think about suicide and nearly 2.5 times more likely to actually try suicide, according to a JAMA Pediatrics study. Additionally, the study discovered that children who experienced cyberbullying were more than three times as likely as other youngsters to consider suicide.
The implications of bullying According to Dr. Robb, bullying causes a youngster to feel hopeless, helpless, and despised, which can result in low self-esteem, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Dr. Robb reacted to the report by saying, “It’s not simply bullying.” She pointed out that bullying is only one of many possible causes that can result in suicide. Additional risk factors include depression, bipolar disorder, psychiatric problems, physical abuse, substance misuse, LBGT status, or a history of suicide attempts.
Bullying is much more prevalent than only an issue that occurs during breaks or on the school bus. Through tools and equipment like cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication avenues like social networking sites, apps, text messages, chat, and webpages, kids can bully others thanks to technological advancements.
Traditional bullying vs. cyberbullying While earlier studies demonstrated that both conventional bullying and cyberbullying were damaging, subsequent research revealed that cyberbullying increased children’s risk of suicide.
Dr. Robb said that because peer harassment may be posted online anonymously and spread swiftly to a larger audience, it might increase a teen’s susceptibility. Even while a youngster may be able to delete inappropriate texts, images, or messages, the evidence is still saved online, which means that a victim may have to go through the humiliating events again.
How to tell if a child is being bullied It’s crucial for parents to be aware of bullying so they can step in before it gets out of hand. Parents should be aware of the following indicators of bullying, according to Dr. Robb: • Unexpected changes in friends • Modifications in eating or sleeping patterns • Dropping grades and a lack of enthusiasm in study • Unexpected injuries • Items that have been misplaced or destroyed • Self-destructive actions There are too many reports of tormented teenagers killing themselves to dismiss them. Bullying and suicide are related, and it is vital to comprehend the intricacy that propels victims from hopelessness and sadness to thought and action.
According to studies, bullying worsens depression and raises the chance of suicide for both the sufferer and the bully.
Suicide is a difficult subject. Teen suicide is frequently, but not always, influenced by additional factors, such as underlying mental problems, traumatic childhood experiences, or severe nutritional inadequacies. Bullying’s importance shouldn’t be understated, though, as it can serve as a suicide trigger. Bullying can have devastating effects on children who are at-risk for suicide due to depression or other mental health problems. Bullied children, even those who are generally well-adjusted, might experience depression and even consider suicide. When a child is bullied, their chance of suicide is raised.
Know the Signs of Bullying Keeping an eye on your children’s moods is one of the best methods to identify bullying in their life. Take note if they exhibit unexpected signs of stress, anxiety, or disdain for education. Also, pay notice if they claim that they lack friends or that there is a lot of drama at school. Another indication of bullying is when a victim complains of headaches and stomachaches, skips class, sustains injuries that are not explained, loses property, or has dropping grades.
Know the Signs of Depression Dropping grades, losing interest in hobbies, withdrawing from social situations, and sleeping more or less than usual are all symptoms of depression. Excessive unexplained crying is another sign that depression may be a problem. Excessive rage is another indication of sadness. Know the Signs of Suicide
Suicidal thoughts can make a person moody, depressed, and experience personality changes. People who are contemplating suicide may stop communicating with others and lose interest in daily activities. They might begin to organise their belongings and discard or donate once-prized objects.
They might also pay a visit to former acquaintances and call on relatives. Do something right away if a loved one shows signs of considering suicide. Help Your Child Overcome Bullying.
Making sure your child feels at ease speaking with you is one of the finest methods to assist your child in overcoming bullying. You should pledge to assist them in resolving the problem as well. Keep in touch with the school until the problem is resolved.
It can take time to get over bullying. There will be good days and difficult days, but you must remain dedicated to the process as a parent.
You’ll want to maintain in contact with school staff and make sure your child has access to the resources they require. Bullying frequently gets worse over time and frequently persists in the absence of regular intervention.
Don’t Ignore Threats of Suicide Some children do make suicide threats before ultimately taking their own lives, though not all do. Be alert if a loved one mentions killing themselves. Suicidal threats should never be disregarded, even if the individual uttering them has no intention of actually doing it.
Make sure your child has the chance to speak with a counsellor if you are worried that they could be feeling suicidal, and try not to leave them alone.