Today, every parent wants to provide their children with the greatest education possible, which extends much beyond a purely academic education. In order to get an advantage in the current competitive global environment, parents are concerned about their children’s overall development. You cannot dispute the reality that students in today’s fast-paced society lack empathy. We value accolades more highly than virtue in this competitive society. This implies that occasionally you are forced to proceed incorrectly in order to accomplish your objective. Students’ absence of moral principles is a serious concern. Here, value-based education demonstrates that it is the answer. Why do schools prioritise value-based instruction through books? this is due to the fact that education begins in school and continues throughout one’s life as a process of personality development. Building a foundation for each student’s personality and career falls under the purview of the school.
What is Value-Based Education? Value-based education is a framework for instruction in which moral principles are taught both inside the classroom through role-plays and textbooks and outside the classroom through real-world scenarios. It is imparted unconditionally by a teacher who fervently believes in feeding her/his students with morals that would contribute to their overall wellbeing. A successful setting for teaching and acquiring the whole spectrum of academic, social, and interpersonal abilities is provided through value-based education. . The following are some ways that teaching value education improves the school: a. more stable atmosphere that fosters quality instruction and enables teachers to raise the bar for students’ success is a key outcome for the school. b. Students are more focused in class and are better able to work independently. c. By constantly asking questions and cooperating more with one another, students also take more ownership of their own learning. d. In addition, students work harder and are more proud of their accomplishments. e. As students develop greater compassion and cooperation in their interactions, classrooms and play areas become safer and more peaceful. f. We can raise kids with strong morals and values who know how to apply their knowledge for the good of humanity through value-based education.
How Value-Based Education Benefits Students? a. Long-term, students can have a deeper understanding of their lives and their work. b. Value-based education supports the ongoing improvement of one’s own personal, social, moral, and financial well-being and encourages successful learning. It is regarded as a worthwhile investment in personal potential that encourages self-responsibility for oneself and one’s output. c. A shared ethical language is provided while emphasising interpersonal behaviour through explicit teaching of values. Additionally, it offers a system for self-controlled behaviour.
How Value-Based Education Helps In Attaining Future Life Goals? A person can benefit from value-based education throughout their entire life in a variety of ways: a. It provides kids with a way to positively shape their destiny and even helps them understand the meaning of their lives. b. It teaches kids how to act in a socially acceptable manner and how to carry out a variety of daily duties that are advantageous to both the individual and those around them. c. Developing one’s moral character and sense of responsibility is another benefit of value education. d. It enables individuals to live fulfilling lives as responsible citizens and have a greater understanding of life’s perspective. e. Strong relationships with their family, friends, and other important people aid in their personal development. f. It aids in the development of a favourable character and a mature personality.
Value-based education is obviously crucial for a child’s overall development. Value-based education helps people become more socially acceptable as well as well-rounded individuals with strong moral principles. “Education is the most potent weapon with which you can change the world,” Nelson Mandela famously declared. Here, he placed equal emphasis on moral and academic education.